
Tessera is a 2D puzzle, complex and exciting. The goal of the game is to disassemble the originally given mosaic. The mosaic is a field divided into tiles. Each tile can contain a mosaic element. Move the tiles like checkers, i.e. through one, in any direction - up, right, down, left, diagonally. Tiles can move provided that there is a mosaic element between the current position and the final one with which the original tile will be combined. For example: by moving a “circle” into a “cross” tile you will get a completely new shape. By moving it through the tile with the image of a “circle” you will again get a simple cross. The game has 9 types of mosaics and three difficulty modes. Also, there are 2 interface styles available, the ability to cancel the last move after the crummy game list and detailed instructions for the game in Russian. Quite a difficult puzzle to master, it will captivate you, provided that you are not too lazy to figure it out.CPU---Android OS2.3Open GL---Free Space 4.23 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-- ---

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