Stray Dog Simulator

Stray Dog Simulator is a three-dimensional, realistic simulator of the life of a dog. As in all games of this developer, you are offered a huge world with completely free exploration. You will take on the role of a dog (one of many breeds) and wander around the city, without an owner and without a home. Fight other street dogs, chase cats and scare people - for all actions you are awarded experience and then a level. Each breed of dog has its own character (health, aggressiveness, strength and speed), the stronger ones will attack, the weaker ones will pass by. Feel the stray dog ​​completely: look for buried bones, dig the ground, mark the territory, bite passers-by and fight for life. Features: Three-dimensional large and open world 9 breeds of dogs (Doberman, Labrador, 7up 7 Down Play bulldog, etc.) Many realistic actions: sprinting, jump, bark, etc.Aggressive environmentSystem of experience, levels and characteristicsCPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 46.45 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

7up 7 Down