Battleheart 2

Battleheart 2 - Continuation of the magnificent RPG from Mika MobileIn this stunning continuation of the popular RPG 2011, you will take control of a team of heroes and fight against hordes of monsters in insane real-time battles that will test yFortune MouSeour reflexes. With each victory, you will face ever greater dangers and will become more powerful thanks to an extensive system of equipment and skills, offering huge combinations of heroes, objects and abilities.CPU---Android OS4.3Open GL---Free Space 237.52 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newРешена проблема сбоя на Galaxy S9 и других устройствах при загрузке battle.Решена проблема, приводящая к пустому белому экрану при загрузке битвы на некоторых устройствах.Update history-----
