Download FRocketLeague anatic Scratch now and win your jackpot!
Fanatic Scratch is the best scratch card game out there.
Tap, scratch, collect, Simple, fun and easy.
- Enjoy the game anytime, anywhere.
- Play spare time.
- Play unlimited scratch cards to get your luck day every moment.
STOP hesitating and join us!
Google Inc. does not sponsor, nor in any way affiliated with Fanatic Scratch.
(1) This game does not have in-app purchases, nor do we provide any recharge entry, the game is completely free.
(2) We have complete guidelines and requirements for prizes, learn more: please read our rules and guidelines firmly, if players violate rules and guidelines we will not provide rewards for users.
(3) We will only use your personal information when allowed by law. For details, please refer to our privacy agreement : You also can find us on our official website: