Triviaventura: Show how much you know about your favorite shows and get exclusive content
Version history MSquad - Triviaventuras New in com.interactionmobile.msquad 2.0.4 Added new ways to earn GO pointsCorrection of minor errors.New in com.interactionmobile.msquad 2.0.2 We corrected an error that made lose letters already won. We also recover those letters.
We reduce the size of the applicationNew in com.interactionmobile.msqua7upDown d 2.0.0 We keep adding improvements and now we put the icing on the cake with the wild cards (GO Points!) And extra trivia
On the map you will find the trivia GO! that you can unlock if you enter the 4 secret codes of the week
Getting at least 4 questions from the GO trivia! You will earn 1 GO point! that will allow you to unlock any previous level
If you have not been able to synchronize with any Mickey Mouse Squad program, you have no excuse to complete your triviaventura and reach your Prize in Paris Please rate this app