▶ Bankruptcy limits have been adjusted!
In the beginning, it started at -5 million won, and finally it was changed to -1 billion won!
You will be able to play the game more comfortably than before :)
▶ If you are an existing user under version 2.0.1, all existing data will be deleted when you update. Please be careful.
▶ Totally new indie game tycoon! Meet me now!
▷ Tycoon that anyone can enjoy easily!
Anyone likes Tycoon-style game!
Hire staff and make money!
And grow your company to create the best indie game!
▷ Feel real developers with real reviews and ratings!
Developing games and seeing the download figures that cornucopia ....
You can not feel it without real developers!
Feel it once!
▷ 28 actual indie games appeared
There are 28 actual indie games currently on the Play Store!
Become a developer to make those games!
▷ Various employees!
Grow your various employees!
Employee growth is our company's growth !!!
▷ Various items!
Give power to employees through items!
Employees do not go to rest because of their strength
▶ Staff
▷ Employment and dismissal of employees (feel like a real president ?!)
Now you can hire and fire a variety of employees.
Staff was decided before, and there was not choice for users. But now we have a random list of various employees, so you can choose to hire them.
If you do not like it, we will delete it as soon as you request it. If you want to add your own name, please let me know at any time. !)
And unfriendly employees can be dismissed.
You do not have to work hard with your staff every day! Cut off the staff who do not work now !!
▷ Staff personality (personality is important)
Employees now have personality. You can choose employees who work a lot and who have a lot of breaks for each personality. On the Employee Status panel, you can see how much work your employees have done and how much they've been playing.
If you play too much, cut it off :)
▶ Gold
▷ Removing gold per touch (I do not like to touch it)
Now you do not have to touch hard when you make gold.
Instead, we have made a variety of outsourcing.
▷ Outsourcing (instead of touch, outsider nogging ...?)
Now the meaning of the outsourcing has become bigger. The ability of the employees to influence the outsourcing more.
The most important part of our thinking was how to give meaning to employees' ability. We have changed the outsourcing to give meaning to employees' abilities. Now there are three categories of outsourcing, and the speed of outsourcing work varies according to each ability.
And the meaning of outsourcing has become even bigger than before.
As far as outsourcing, 'gold per employee' increases. 'Employee Gold per Work' means the money earned when an employee completes a job. If you have a high stats, you will earn as much as you multiply by a certain number of gold per job.
Outsourcing has become a very important task in the early, mid, and late.
▷ Bankruptcy (now it can be ruined)
Now when the asset is -500 million won, it will go bankrupt. If you go bankrupt, you will continue to play while you are beggars.
Be careful not to go bankrupt :)
▶ Items
The 2.0 patch has made a number of changes to the item.
▷ Moving office (to eat better)
I used to work in a single office. You can now move to a better office.
The first building is on the first floor and the second building on the second floor. The third building consists of four floors. To hire more people, you need to move to a better building. If you move your office, your salary will decrease by 20%.
Computers, desks and chairs (more work to do)
You can now upgrade your computer, desk, and chair. If you just bought a computer before, you should upgrade to a better computer. Upgrading is a must, as it has a lot of impact on staff.
▶ Game production
Now the planning score changes to the game's maximum score. The meaning of planning score became bigger.
Meet Indy Game Tycoon, a completely new one now!
▷ Developer Contact
[email protected]
▶ Developers who provided indie games.
Thank you.
▷ 'be brave', 'bee', 'legendary ax', '50k monster' 'chemkaaa'
▷ 'Building Blocks', 'Baekey' of 'Pakdak Padak'
▷ 'MadBeat Studio' of 'Raise the World'
▷ 'Yang San' of 'Making ants', 'Making money in a square world'
▷ 'Blackout', '1vs1000', 'I am building' of 'SweetBoss'
▷ 'OLs' of 'strengthening windows'
▷ 'My dream is the corrupt king' of 'Cotlemnum Bumtneoelem'
▷ 'Puzzle Honeycomb', 'Alpha High Growth', 'The Blacksmith of Memory', 'Cherry Blossom Ending' 'MetaMoni'
▷ 'Jin-kyu' from 'Sangmo Warrior'
▷ 'Sweet Pang', 'Alqagi 3D', 'Dropdown Block 3D' of 'BBangsuni'
▷ 'Next Doors' of 'Enforcement Sword Growing'
▷ 'Shella Studios' of 'tap alpaca'
▷ 'AMOTA' of 'Project Blue'
▷ 'Wiz Game' by 'Zombie Hunter'
- Source of data
Background music - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes
Intro - https://www.freesound.org/people/pcruzn/sounds/335860/
Sound effects - https://www.freesound.org/people/TreasureSounds/sounds/332629/
Developer contact:
Change team name
3.5 Clover -> Some Rain
[Update Version 2.0.9]
Office Migration and Computer, Desk, Chair Upgrade Bugs Fixed
Fixed a bug that did not apply when upgrading desks and chairs
[Update Version 2.0.5]
Bankruptcy limit adjustment
Fix an achievement error
[Update version 2.0.4]
If you do not have enough money, your staff can not upgrade.
[Update Version 2.0.3]
Balance adjustment
July 20, 2016
[Update Version 2.0.2]
Correct employee state time balance.
Fixed an ending15rummy.com bug.
Ending achievement bug fix.
July 19, 2016
[Version 2.0 Update]
Add content
Bug fixes
Refer to the patch note in the text for details. Please rate this app