The Rescue and grow a bear who was addicted to pot!! A free liver or a WA upbringing simulation game appears from "pot bear project"!
I'll bring up the "pot bear" which changes into the various forms! It was prepared richly, in the words at which I grin, hammer, is it apparent!
A long time ago, there was a baby bear which likes honey very much.
The baby bear?
Because a honey jar with a lot Supermarket Spreeof honey was always held in an arm.
It was called "Tsubokuma".
Since a pot bear sneaks out of the group secretly, and appears in a human dwelling.
Charm ask man for honey using enough smile as a weapon.
An upcoming day and an upcoming day kept eating a great deal of honey.
But disobey to touch man in a torah in a forest.
A pot bear has been put in the big honey jar as punishment.
The condition to sneak from a therapeutic point, "To grow into a wonderful bear."
Starting of a pot bear grown-up story Starting!
★★★★ I appear one after another! "Tsubokuma Project" application★,★,★,★,★.
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